Top 10 Countries for Startup Visas: A Comprehensive Guide

Startup Visas

For entrepreneurs eyeing opportunities in foreign countries, startup visas offer a streamlined pathway, facilitating innovation, economic growth, and cross-cultural collaboration. This blog explores the best 10 startup visa countries.

Denmark Startup Visa

With a GDP of $395 billion, Denmark is one of the best countries for starting a business. Its startup visa welcomes non-EU self-employed individuals with innovative, scalable, and preferably tech-driven business ideas.

This 24-month visa, extendable for up to five years, allows the inclusion of close family members. Notably, the program, gaining popularity for its lack of a sponsorship requirement, does not provide funding.

Conditions include English proficiency and financial self-sufficiency, requiring savings ranging from 137,076 DKK to 319,236 DKK.

The business plan undergoes evaluation by a Start-up Denmark panel and the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration. Once approved, applicants can apply for a work and residency permit, providing documentation for funding sources and qualifications.

Canada Startup Visa

With a reputation for favoring immigrants, Canada offers a startup visa for qualifying startup founders. To be eligible, entrepreneurs must secure support for their business, such as investment from a designated organization, commonly known as a letter of support.

Essential conditions include language proficiency in English or French, ownership of a business by at least five individuals with a minimum 10% voting share each, and the demonstration of adequate funds for self and family.

Additionally, innovative businesses aiming to compete and employ Canadians must meet specific investment criteria, varying based on venture funds or angel groups.

The application process involves obtaining a package, accurately completing the form, submitting required documents, paying fees, and undergoing biometric verification before awaiting approval and the issuance of a permanent resident visa.

Australia Business Innovation Visa

The Commonwealth of Australia offers a Business Innovation Visa to facilitate foreign entrepreneurs and investors in establishing or expanding businesses, granting a four-year and three-month stay.

Applicants must have experience and a successful business track record, necessitating nomination by an Australian entity. The business should exhibit a turnover of at least AUD 3 million in two of the preceding four years.

Additionally, the applicant must possess a minimum of AUD 400,000 in net assets, with AUD 200,000 sourced from a third party. Application instructions accompany the invitation, encompassing proof of identity, business details, and assets documentation. The process also requires the submission of relevant documents for accompanying family members.

Ireland Startup Entrepreneur Programme

Ireland issues an entrepreneur visa for startup enthusiasts, featuring higher capital requirements offset by unique benefits like favorable tax incentives.

This two-year residency, extendable for an additional three years, requires businesses to be under five years old, with Irish headquarters. The innovative company should demonstrate the potential to generate €1 million turnover and create ten jobs within 3-4 years.

Capital requirements include €50,000 for the primary founder and €30,000 for subsequent founders. The application process entails submitting attested documents supporting the Irish Start-up Entrepreneur Programme, along with character statements from police in countries of past residence.

Lithuania Startup Visa

Lithuania stands out as an attractive destination for emerging entrepreneurs, primarily because it doesn't impose capital or employment criteria on business founders seeking a permit.

Successful applicants receive one year of residency and the option to bring their family. Visa extensions for an additional year are possible, contingent on meeting standard immigration requirements.

Startups must operate in tech sectors such as biotech, nanotech, IT, mechatronics, electronics, or laser technologies.

An essential condition involves obtaining a letter of approval from the migration department, affirming the business idea's suitability for the program. The application involves online submission, detailing team, experiences, and business strategy, accompanied by relevant documents like CV and diplomas.

Spain Startup Visa: Residence Visa For Entrepreneurs

Spain's startup visa program offers a migration pathway for skilled employees and investors outside the EU. Known for its accessibility, the visa grants one year of residency upon successful approval.

Conditions mandate the applicant's presence in Spain throughout the specified period, accompanied by a business plan confirmation report from the Commercial Office. Additionally, sufficient savings in a bank account to sustain both the applicant and dependents are required.

Application methods vary for foreign startup founders, with those outside Spain applying at a Spanish consulate and those already legally residing in Spain opting for entrepreneur authorization.

Greece Investment Residence Permit

Entrepreneurs aiming to establish or expand businesses in Greece can secure a residence permit through the "golden visa" program, obtained in exchange for an investment. Conditions involve presenting a compelling business plan outlining the startup idea and registering the company with the Unified Social Security Institution.

To apply, start with obtaining an entry visa to Greece. Compile the necessary documents, ensure translation, and submit them to the relevant authorities. Upon submission confirmation, a blue certificate is issued. The resulting residency permit is initially for two years, with the option for a ten-year extension.

French Tech Visa

The French Tech Visa offers a four-year opportunity for startup founders and tech investors to reside and work in France, with the provision to include immediate family members. Spouses can work without additional permits.

To qualify, startup founders need selection by French Tech Visa partner incubators or accelerators, Direccte approval, and an economic innovation startup plan.

The French Tech Ticket Visa, a shorter commitment, requires a partnership with a French incubator, at least two co-founders (one with French citizenship), fluency in English, and exclusive dedication to the startup during the 12-month visa period.

UK Innovator Visa

The UK Innovator Visa is open to individuals aspiring to establish and operate an innovative business, provided it stands out in the market. Endorsement of the business idea by an approved body is a prerequisite.

Additionally, meeting eligibility criteria includes English language proficiency. The visa permits a three-year stay in the UK. Application procedures vary based on whether one is outside the UK, extending an existing visa, or switching from a different visa category.

Family inclusion is possible, subject to eligibility. Identity proofs and required documents must be submitted, with visa issuance typically taking three to eight weeks based on location. Notably, the UK also offers a Startup Visa for those lacking funds for the Innovator Visa.

Chile VisaTech Program

The Chile VisaTech program offers a swift route to a startup visa, granting a 12-month work visa within just 15 days of application—the country's rapid approval sets it apart. It supports startups by providing workspace and enabling the hiring of foreign professionals by tech firms.

Eligibility demands that startups be under three years old, and possess a dedicated team, a functional product, and early validation. Application prerequisites include sponsorship by a Chilean government agency and an invitation letter from InvestChile, Start-Up Chile, or the Undersecretariat of Economy.

Applicants may be owners, employees, partners, or investors in Chilean tech companies, with the application process varying based on residency status.

Be a Part of Global Expansion

Foreign Country Start up visa

Exploring global entrepreneurial avenues is made accessible through diverse visa programs. From Denmark's sponsorship-free Startup Visa to Canada's investor-centric approach, each offers unique benefits.

Entrepreneurs can tailor choices to their business nature, whether seeking rapid growth in Australia, tax incentives in Ireland, or swift approval in Chile. These programs not only facilitate international expansion but also foster innovation and cultural exchange, turning entrepreneurial dreams into global successes in an interconnected world.
